Wednesday, January 25, 2012


First off all..
Romaniais a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea. Romania shares a border with Hungary and Serbia to the west, Ukraine and Moldova to the northeast and east, and Bulgaria to the south.
At 238,400 square kilometers (92,000 sq mi), Romania is the ninth largest country of the European Union by area, and has the seventh largest population of the European Union with 21.9 million people

and some stereotypes about Romania and romanians...
  Dracula's counrty; 
  • backwards-oriented; 
  • primitive;
  • corrupt
  • refuse to work
  •  have to many children
  • slow lazy
  • trying hard – but never succeed
  • mistrust police and government;
  • trafficking of women, prostitution, domestic violence and sexual harassment 
  • manipulativeness
  • nationalists
  • bad drivers
  • gypsies

 This are the things what others think about Romania but this thing are not representative for  all romanians or Romania, here are some fact about this country